La Concordia is a Colombian town located at 6 03' 15" north latitude and 75 54' 42" of west longitude in the east slope of the Occidental Mountain Range, GPS coordinates X=796082, Y=1157559 Southwestern Antioquia; 65 Miles outside of Medellin City. The town is 94 square miles, 48 of those are dedicated to coffee growing. It's lowest point of 1,700 ft. above sea level is the same level as the Cauca River and the highest peak is situated at 8,455 ft.

The geography of the region makes the climate of La Concordia a unique mix of warm air from the Cauca River Canyon and cool air from the high mountains; this creates different "micro-climates" which are ideal for growing specialty coffee. The town of La Concordia is constructed in the highest mountains, forming one of the most exotic views of the region with the colors of the green-blue mountains combined with spectacular sunsets.

Today La Concordia is one of the most technology advanced towns as well as highly productive for its size. La Concordia has more roads than any other town in Colombia`s coffee region based on the FNC´s statistics. La Concordia projects forward to the year 2,020 as the most educated of the region; oriented to preserve the environment, living in harmony with nature.

Our Weather

Historically La Concordia has two dry and two wet seasons: the dry seasons spans from Dec to March and June to August; the time during which the coffee trees blossom for harvest. The wet seasons spans from March to June and from August through December the time when the beans grow. The annual rainfall is 79 inches. The temperature fluctuates from 64F / 18 C to 70F - 22C at altitude between 4,800 feet - 1,470 mts. and 6,920 feet / 2,109 mts. above sea level.

This altitudes allow us to have non shade coffee with excellent cups and characteristic flavors like lemon, floral, sweet and chocolate.

The Soil

The soils have very good physical properties for coffee growing like high presence of volcanic ashes, high resistance to erosion, good humidity retention, high acidity, they belong to a premontano humid forest, with excellent sunshine during the year, geographically it is a sloppy region.

Our Production

Our coffee production is about 40,000 in coffee bags of 154 lb. The coffee varieties grown in the region are Caturra and Variedad Colombia with an average altitude in the coffee plantations of 1,750 mts. The coffee is washed and processed in the farms in ecological mills. The coffee is machine dried, then storaged in a warehouse to allow for reposo. Finally, the coffee is sent to the city to our dry mill to get ready for export.

In Closing

We are currently looking to have long term relationships with coffee roasters overseas and have the means to do so. We would also like to extend an offer for you to visit La Concordia to experience a beautiful trip after you enjoy the good flavor of the region. This is an invitation for the people interested in going to see one of the most important coffee growing regions in Colombia.

Located at 6° 03' 15" north latitude and 75° 54' 42" of west longitude in the east slope of the Occidental Mountain Range

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